Frank DiBello
U.S.S. Allen M. Sumner Association
The Hospitality Suite
Touring Savannah
Banquet & Auction - May 7, 2018
John Shea |
Aleta Walters, Louise Jasch, Bobby and Mary Moore |
Hank Pelz and Dennis Carroll |
Marcie and Bob Kearns
Daniel and Lynette Barrs |
Gail Drooms and Frank Embrey |
Brian Williamson, Gerald Williamson, Jim and Karen Fredrckson |
Paul Delasco ans John Shea
Meryl and Paul Delasco |
Mitchell and Margaret Malpass |
Earlean and Bruce Fulbright/strong> |
Bill and Jocelyn Juzwiakowski
Don Hayden |
Rita and Pete Hart |
Bob and Karen Haderer |
Faith and Jose Gaecia
Pat and John Hruska |
Dave and Sara Robson |
Millie and Joe Drabick |
Judy and John Barry
Linda and Scott Kopfstein |
Frank and Connie DiBello |
CDR Timothy Eason USCG |
Faith and Jose Garcia
Paul and Lee Rosskamp |
Don Hayden |
Jim Gorman and Diane Legler |
John Shea and Christy Cochran
Dale Surber |
Pete and Gail Dromms
Our Guest Speaker |
CDR Timothy Eason USCG |
The Auction
Lynette & Dan Barrs show how its done
The Memorial Service - Tuesday May 8, 2018
Waiting for the bus
The Memorial Service
Speaker: Lt Col. Kenneth Dwyer
Chaplain: MAJ Jon C. Wilson
Colors: The Fort Stewart Drill Team
Music: The Brass Quintet Band
The Ladies read the names of those lost at Ormoc Bay
Passing the Memorial Wreath
On to the Airfield and the Georgia National Guard
Then to Hunter Army Airfield Cosolidated Dining Facility for lunch with the Troops
A Thank You to our hosts
To: Steven Hart, Public Relations Officer, Hunter Army Airfield Base
From: Scott Kopfstein, USS Allen M Sumner Association
First I would like to thank so very much to SGT Proctor at the chapel. When we
were there last July she took very good care of me and my wife. While I discussed what I
needed for our reunion as far as our memorial service my wife got to watch the kids bible
study class which impressed her even more. So after SGT Proctor went over everthing
with me she hooked me up with Steven Hart. I was fortunate that he was still on base that
You were so very kind and gracious with all your help with lining up the reunion
memorial. You went over step by step everything we needed for our memorial service and
came thru with flying colors. We filled out a contract that day also. I was so happy when
I left your office because we got everything I came for and more.
We had Capt. Branch lined up for our guest speaker at our banquet dinner but he
got called away at the last mintue and was replaced by Commander Timothy Eason of the Coast Guard
on base and he was awesome, gave a very moving speech on his experiencs from when he
first joined and how things changed over the years. He stayed around most of the night and
came to our memorial service the next day also. I think what amazed all of the crew that he
was born in 1967 the year we were already in Nam.
Our memorial service the next day was the best we ever had along with the one
we had in Cleveland. That is a great compliment as this was our 30th reunion in a row.
Started with Posting of the Colors, they did a fantastic job, Lt Col. Dwyer was our guest
speaker, he was very impressed with our memorial service and was a great great speaker.
Every one there knew what he had been thru in combat and believe me we all have the
deepest respect for him and all our military people still on active duty.
After all the names were read of our deceased we were honored to have the 21
gun salute by the CCCCm, they fired perfect, all you herd was one shot on
each volly and that is a compliment because that is hard to do especially for all the old men
on our honor guard team. The Bugler played taps which is always a tear jerker.
As we passed the USS Allen M Sumner Wreath the Brass Quintet Band played
the Navy Hym, they sounded with perection. I also would like to thank Chaplain Wilson
for opening our ceromony with a prayer and that was also a beautiful.
Now we had a tour of the helicoper pad, Lt Cody Ford stayed with us all day,
thank him so very much, very helpful. The people inside the helicopter pad did a great,
great job explaining everything that was the job of the different helo's.
Last stop was the mess hall, we could not believe all the different foods and
drinks that they offer. Good tasting food too””””. We actually thought for the 5 dollars we
would get a sandwich and a drink, thats what we got in Annapolis. What a meal, the only
thing missing was a Budwiser, ha ha. In closing The entire crew of the USS Allen M.
Sumner would like to express there gratitude for all you did and please let everyone at Fort
Stewart that came up a great Bravo Zulo. That”s a old Navy Term our old Captain used to
give us for a job well done. I almost forgot, Commander Tim Eason of the Coast Guard took our
memorial wreath personally and flew his helo out to the Coast Guard Cutter CHINOOK and lowered the
wreath so they could place it out at sea. What a great thing to do meant a lot to all of us.
God bless him and please thank him for that also.
Scott Kopfstein
USS Allen M Sumner Asscotiation
Past Commander Medina VFW Post 5137
Our wreath after the Memorial Service
From: Joyce, Sean P AETCM