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USS Allen M
Sumner (DD-692) Reunion Association Constitution ARTICLE I Name of Organization: SECTION I. The organization is a non-profit group and shall be known as the USS Allen M.Sumner (DD-692) Reunion Association ARTICLE II. Objectives SECTION I. The objectives of this non-profit organization, hence forth called the CREW, are to furnish encouragement and assistance in the development of fellowship and association among the former ships company personnel of the USS Allen M. Summer: to encourage and assist in the recruitment of such personnel to enable them to participate as regular members of the CREW at each annual reunion and to promote the betterment of the CREW through the promotion of good will and fellowship for all former USS Allen M. Summer personnel: to disseminate information of an advisory and conciliatory nature which will be of value to all CREW members. ARTICLE III Membership SECTION I. Individuals who were uniformed personnel of the USS Allen M. Sumner (DD-692) during the period of the ships' commissioning on 26 January, 1944 until decommissioning on 15 August, 1973 are eligible to become members of the CREW, or as voted in as members, by the crew, SECTION II. No minimum time of service aboard Sumner is required for CREW membership. SECTION III. Applicants for CREW membership may apply to any CREW member or officer by stating in writing their rate or rating including the dates of service aboard Sumner, current address and telephone number, and shall remit dues annually as established by the executive board of the CREW. ARTICLE IV Officers and their Elections SECTION I. The officers shall consist of a President, Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chaplain, Historian and Editor. The Executive Board shall consist of all the CREW officers plus the immediate Past President and three (3)Directors, which shall be elected by the crew, at the annual meeting. SECTION II. The Chaplain, Historian, Master-at-Arms and Editor shall be appointed by the President, all other officers shall be elected and installed at the annual reunion of the CREW, shall assume office immediately after the close of that meeting and shall serve for a term of one year, or until the next annual meeting with the exception of Directors who will serve a three (3) year term.. SECTION III. In the event of death, resignation or absence of the President, or his inability to fulfill the duties of the office, the Vice President, shall preside or fill the vacancy as appropriate. SECTION IV. Shall a vacancy occur in the office of the Vice President or any other vacancies of the Executive Board, except the immediate Past President, that office shall be filled by the majority vote of the Executive Board. ARTICLE V Executive Board SECTION I. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chaplain, Historian, Editor, the immediate Past President, and three (3) Directors. The Executive Board shall be the administrative body of the CREW and shall define the policies of and have administrative authority in all matters pertaining to the CREW and shall exercise general control of all officers and committees. SECTION II. The President shall be the Chairman of the Executive Board and shall have the power to call meetings thereof by phone, mail, etc. SECTION III. A quorum of the Executive Board shall consist of a majority of its members. ARTICLE VI Meetings SECTION I. Reunions of CREW members will be held annually in the first week of May, and a business meeting will be held at such time. By majority vote of those present the location of the reunion two (2) years hence will occur. SECTION II. The President or any two members of the Executive Board may call a business meeting of the Executive Board at any time deemed necessary. ARTICLE VII Bylaws SECTION I. Bylaws not inconsistent with this Constitution, embodying additional provisions for the governance of the CREW, shall be adopted by the Executive Board, subject to the CREW approval. ARTICLE VIII Amendments SECTION I. Proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted and voted on at the annual meeting of the CREW. SECTION II. Any article or section of this Constitution may be amended by two thirds (2/3)majority vote of the members present at a regular annual meeting. 0 SECTION III. This Constitution and all amendments thereto shall become effective upon adoption. USS Allen M
Sumner (DD-692) Reunion Association | Bylaws ARTICLE I Order of Business SECTION I. Parliamentary procedures for all meetings of the CREW and the Executive Board shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised except when they are in conflict of this organization. SECTION II. The order of business shall be: 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Memorial (By Chaplain) 3. Roll Call of Officers and Trustees 4. Reading of the minutes of previous meeting 5. Treasures' Report 6. Reading of correspondence 7. Report of committee chairmen 8. Unfinished Business 9. New Business 10. Announcements 11. Adjournment ARTICLE II Committees SECTION I. Committees shall be formed as deemed necessary, by the President or the Executive Board. SECTION II. A permanent Committee known as the Reunion Assistance Fund consisting of three (3) members appointed by the President shall control the coordination and distribution of financial assistance to members who might otherwise be unable to attend an annual meeting. These funds shall be held separate from the General Fund with all transactions kept in strict confidentiality and on a need-to-know basis. SECTION III. A permanent Committee known as the Audit Committee consisting of the Treasurer and two (2) members appointed by the President shall review and report on the Fiscal condition of the Association at the annual meeting. The timing and frequency of these audits shall be at the discretion of the President and the Committee members, but not less than once a year. Service on the Committee is for one year and may be renewed or extended at the discretion of the President. ARTICLE III Duties of officers SECTION I. The President shall preside at all meetings of the CREW and the Executive Board: enforce the Constitution and Bylaws: appoint committees: Have such other powers and duties as normally pertained to the principle office holder. SECTION II. The Vice President and 2nd Vice President shall attend all meetings of the CREW. the Executive Board and shall assist the President and act as President in his absence. In case of a vacancy in the office of the President, such office will then be filled by the Vice President. SECTION III. The Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence pertaining to the CREW, notices regarding the annual reunion and other information as may be directed by the president: issue notices to the Executive Board members of all meetings of said board and prepare an agenda of pending business for the use of the presiding officer at each meeting. The Secretary shall record and preserve the minutes of all official meetings of the CREW and the Executive Board. He shall record the attendance of the officers and Directors at each meeting and advise the presiding officer if a quorum is present. SECTION IV. The Treasurer shall attend to the financial records of the CREW. He shall receive all monies, maintain custody of same, promptly make payments only when proper receipts are obtained and deliver all books, monies and properties of the CREW, held by him, promptly to his successor. Before his retirement or at the discretion of the President the books shall be subject to audit. Disbursement of Association funds for Office Equipment (including computers, computer peripherals and software), “one time” or non-Operating Expenses by the Treasurer may only be made upon the Approval of the Executive Board. SECTION V. The Directors shall attend all meetings of the CREW and the Executive Board and accept special assignments as may be directed by the President. SECTION VI. The Master-At-Arms (MAA) shall ensure the safety and direct policing of the Reunion common areas and coordinate such other activities during the Reunion as directed by the President. SECTION VII. a. The Historian will provide the online presence of the Association and serve as a central depository for the documents of the ship’s history. b. The Editor shall prepare and send to each regular CREW member periodical issues of the CREW newsletter. ARTICLE V Dues SECTION I. The annual dues of CREW members shall be set annually by the Executive Board by a majority vote, subject to CREW approval. ARTICLE VI Liability SECTION I. Neither the CREW nor its Officers and Directors are responsible for the loss or damage to the property, or for injury to or death of a person on the premises of any CREW meeting or at any other CREW function or activity. This freedom of responsibility for loss or damage to property applies regardless of whether that property had been received by any member or Officer or left upon the premises. ARTICLE VII Amendments SECTION I. These Bylaws may be amended from time to time by two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Executive Board present and voting at a regular or special meeting called for that purpose. Amendments to the CREW policy can be made only by the majority vote of the CREW members present at any stated meeting. These Bylaws and amendments shall become effective upon adoption. ARTICLE VIII Crew Policy SECTION I. Printing/mailing. The newsletter will be prepared by the editor and sent to all CREW members in good standing, and may be used as a means of CREW membership promotion and maintenance as directed by the Vice President. SECTION II. Treasurer. All bills shall be paid by the Treasurer and a proper receipt be retained for each payment. In the absence of the Treasurer, payments may be made by the President, or his assignee. SECTION III. Officers and Directors are to be elected and installed at the annual meeting and shall assume office upon the completion of that meeting. USS Allen M. Sumner (DD-692) Reunion Association Reunion Supplemental Guidelines 1. If at all possible the reunion will be scheduled Sunday through Wednesday of the first week of May. 2. The reading of the names of those lost at Lingayen Gulf will be read by the Ladies Auxiliary. 3. During bus trips for the Memorial Service/tours the first two rows will be reserved for those physically challenged. 4. The Banquet will be scheduled for the second night, usually Monday. 5. The Memorial Service will be scheduled for morning of the third day. 6. During the Memorial Service the bell will be rung first for Captain Allen M. Sumner. 7. At the banquet the following people will receive awards; the person who traveled the furthest, the first person to register with the Association and the outgoing President along with recognition of the Ladies Auxiliary and other persons who served with distinction. 8. A suitable award will be presented to the guest speaker. 9. The Reunion Assistance Fund Committee shall be in control of all "COMP" room(s) at our Reunion Hotel. Should the use of any of these room(s) not be required the "COMP" room(s) will go to the Reunion Local Area Coordinator or to whom he may direct this right. 10. The Business meeting will be held at 0900 on the second day, usually Monday. So ordered by ________/s/ Frank Di Bello__________ Date ______05 May 2015______ Authorized Officer