U.S.S. Allen M. Sumner DD-692

What's New in this Site

25 January 2025

I received a rquest from a ship modeller who is building a 3 foot model of the Sumner after the FRAM conversion with questions specific to the VDS system. If you have knowledge of teh system, I will place in contact with the model maker if you are interested in helping out.

Just contact me at wrb1@cornell.edu.

7 January 2025

H. Kelly Brown (EM2 66-68) sent in the following: Shipmates, sadly I must report that my friend of 58 years and Sumner Shipmate Eric Bollin (EM3 66-68) passed away peacefully in his sleep on 6 January 2025.
Condolences may be sent to:
Mrs. Shirley Bollin
530 Chase Rd.
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

Arrangements not yet planned.

H. Kelly Brown EM2 (66-68)
713-882-7014 cell

31 December 2024

The location for the 2025 Reunion has been set.

The Best Western Plus located at at 2401 Brick Church Pike Nashville, Tennessee 37207 Phone 615-226-4600.

Make sure when you make reservations you tell them you are with the Allen M Sumner association group

There are 20 rooms available for Reservation starting Jan 2 , 2025. Rooms are $115 a night.

We are asking $80 for a person attending for food and drink. Shipmates are asked for an additional $15 dues for membership dues. Mail checks or money orders to USS Allen M Sumner Association (dd-692) at 4092 Soundpointe Dr Gulf Breeze, Fl 32563.

We are not buying alcohol this year, but we will supply food, soft drinks and water. if you would like, bring your own alcohol.

Reunion dates are May 4-6 and if you wanna stay extra days or come in a little early price of rooms are $15 difference.

If you have Any question, feel free to contact Dave Robson (SH3 66-70) at 904-251-5080 or email DLROBSON 29@gmail.com.

23 December 2024

Until further notice the ships store is closed. Pease do not send and orders to Pete Dromms address.

20 December 2024

President Dave Robson (SH3 66-70) ask that all members who plan on attending the sumner Reunion in early May 2025 contact him at 904-251-5080 or dlrobson29@gmail.com. There is a need for a head count to help move forward with signing a contact with a hotel in Nashville.

29 October 2024

The Sumner Association will attempt to schedule a reunion for the first week in May, 2025. Tentaivly the reunion will take place in Nashville at a yet to be determined locations. Frank DiBello ask that if you have any thoughts or opinions that you contact him directly at his phone at (713) 253 9753. You will also receive emails from myself (Ron Babuka) regarding the reunion. If you are not receiving emails, please contact me at wrb1@cornell.edu. Please keep checking back here for more information as soon as we have it.

3 December 2024

President Frank DiBello (RM3 66-68) has asked me to post this:

My Fellow shipmates:

With a heavy heart, I wanted to let you know that I have made the difficult decision to step down from the presidency of the USS Allen M. Sumner Reunion Association. Due to a personal situation, I can no longer fulfill the role as President of our association with the dedication and attention that you all deserve. I have asked our 1st Vice-President, Dave Robson (SH3 66-70) to take over the helm. I am hopeful that all of our board positions will be filled at our next reunion in Nashville this coming spring.

Fair winds and Following Seas

Frank DiBello, President

USS Allen M. Sumner Reuinion Association

29 October 2024

The Sumner Association will attempt to schedule a reunion for the first week in May, 2025. Tentaivly the reunion will take place in Nashville at a yet to be determined locations. Frank DiBello ask that if you have any thoughts or opinions that you contact him directly at his phone at (713) 253 9753. You will also receive emails from myself (Ron Babuka) regarding the reunion. If you are not receiving emails, please contact me at wrb1@cornell.edu. Please keep checking back here for more information as soon as we have it.

29 September 2024

Sadly, Bill Ortz (QM3 70-72) reported that shipmate Doug Milsap (QM2 70-72) was called to final muster in 2022.

26 April 2024

Based on member responses, the 2024 Reunion has been postponed until 2025. The leadership of the Allen M. Sumner Reunion Association will begi looking into options for next year.

17 March 2024

An email went out on3/15 regarding holding a reunion Mary 3-5, 2024 in League City, Texas and hosted by President Frank DiBello. Please contact Ron Babuka (Webmaster and son of Plankowner Bill Babuka) at wrb1@cornell.edu or 607-533-9056 if you think you might be able to attend.

15 March 2024

Sadly, Our Chaplin James Gormans reported that on March 9th, shipmate Tom Adasiewicz (MM3 65-67) was called to final muster. Read his Obituary

26 January 2024
Frank DiBello (RM3 66-68) has a couple of updates:

Please be aware that there are companies/individuals out there selling AMS mechandise. They are NOT affiliated with the association. If you want real merchandise, contact Frank DiBello.

Leadership is working hard on a plane for an official AMS reunion. Stay tuned for more information

Sadly, Our Chaplin James Gormans mother passed away. Please keep James and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

7 November 2023
Frank DiBello (RM3 66-68) has had the misfortune to report to the association that shipmate Gary James Carnot(GMG3 66-70) was called to final muster on October 27, 2023. Read his Obituary

27 August 2023
We have added Scott Kopfstein (FTG2 66-69) to the the Binnacle List after being admitted to the hospital.

August 25, 2023
The Allen M. Sumner Reuinion Association received a Thank you note from thr fsmily of Pete Dromms.

4 June 2023 - Update on the next OFFICIAL USS Allen M. Sumner Reunion - As per the bylaws all USS Allen M. Sumner reunions are to be held in the first week of May. The elected leadership of the USS Allen M. Sumner Reunion Association is hard at work planning the next upcoming reunion and looks forward to communicating the location of that reunion in the near future.

While there may be 'unofficial' gatherings of crews of the USS Allen M. Sumner, the date and location of the next reunion will be officiall announced on the reunion page on this site.

May 28, 2023

Memorial Day is set aside to honor and mourn those who sacrificed their lives for our Republic. Please take a moment to visit our Allen M. Sumber dedication page and remember the 21 Allen M. Sumner crew who put their nation first.

This year, the USS Allen M Sumner Assocation lost two shipmates who worked tirelessly for our association, Pete Dromms and Don Hayden. We will miss them very much.

May 16, 2023
A word of advice - do NOT answer Facebook or other social media generic questions that people post such as "whats your favorite car" or "Whats our favoirte animal". The vast majority of the time they are scammers who are gathering the reponses and using it to try to hack passwords or scam you. Trust me - no one cares what your first car was but thos anwers are often used to unlock access.

March 31, 2023
The Allen M. Sumner reuinion Association had a wreath delievered for Pete Dromms.

25 March 2023

From Frank DiBello (RM3 66-68) has passed along the sad news that our shipmate Pete Dromms(FTG2 66-67) has been called to final muster.
Please keep his family in your prayers and thoughts and feel free to send any cards to 301 Park Lane North Syracuse, New York 13212. A wreath has been purchased by the USS Allen M. Sumner Reunion Association and will be delivered to the funeral home.

Pete Dromms Obituary

O Father, grant his family today, and in the days hereafter, peace and comfort in the glory of his service to his fellow man, and in the knowledge he sails with you, O Lord, our maker and protector.

21 March 2023

From Frank DiBello (RM3 66-68) :
Fellow shipmates and extended family, It is with a heavy heart we have decided to postpone the Sumner DD 692 reunion this year. This is due too extenuating circumstances beyond our control. Please bear with us as we travel through these stormy seas.
I will keep y all informed as more information becomes available.
Please keep our shipmates and their families in your prayers as we negotiate through heavy seas.

Frank DiBello

17 March 2023

From Frank DiBello (RM3 66-68) : "Please be advised our shipmate Pete Dromms(FTG2 66-67) has had a setback regarding his heath and is back in the hospital in SyracuSe , New York.
Please keep him in your prayers and thoughts and feel free to send a card to 301 Park Lane North Syracuse, New York 13212

8 February 2023

I've updated our shipmate Pete Dromms(FTG2 66-67) status regarding his ongoing recover at the Binnacle List.

3 February 2023

I've updated our shipmate Pete Dromms(FTG2 66-67) contact information on the the Binnacle List. He needs our prayers and cards.

27 January 2023

I will update the site in the future, however I wanted to share two Google albulms I created of a Sumner Model that is displayed at the Navy Yard Museum in Washington D.C.
Select following links to see pictures and video

15 January 2023

From Frank DiBello (RM3 66-68) : "Please be advised our shipmate Pete Dromms(FTG2 66-67) has had a heart attack while climbing down off of a fire ladder truck. He has received a stent implanted to save his life from what is commonly called THE WIDOW MAKER . He is in good spirits and good hands. He is going to have to take it easy for a while while recovering and will be trying too avoid any additional stress. Please keep Pete and his family in your prayers. I will update y all as I find out any more information."

1 January 2023

We have been updated by Fred willshaw of the passing of our shipmate Douglas M. Rinear STDG2 1966-1969.
Last known address was: 9780 SW HWY Okeechobee Florida 34974.

20 Oct 20212

If anyone gets an email from Frank DiBello regarding financial transactions/donations/purchases, PLEASE disregard! They are being generated by hackers/spammers/criminals As a reminder, there are many spammers who will target older folks that they see as more gullable. These folks are bprofessionals who prey on good hearted folks like yourselves.
Be VERY careful on the internet and with e-mail. Organizations such as AARP have many articles on line about preventing phishing (https://www.aarp.org/money/scams-fraud/info-2019/phishing.html) and safely navigating the internet.
Be cautious and educate yourself - if something seems fishy - it most likely is! Ask loveed ones and other trusted folks before ever sharing your information or sending money.

6 SEP 2022 - I received an email from Kevin Noonan who was a sensor operator on an S-3B Viking.

"I am writing an article about the Mk 37 and Mk48 torpedo on surface ships. If you have any specific personal info/memories about the 21 inch torpedo tube, I'd appreciate it. I'm specifically wondering if you all had Mk 37 ASW torpedoes or even were considered using Mk 48 torpedoes in them. Specific info I have is that they had put stern launchers in Garcia and Knox destroyer escort classes (before they were designated frigates in 1975). Pleasecontact Kevin directly at ancientsubhunter710@gmail.com

18 Aug 2022 - From Frank DiBello:

A note from Jane Hayden, wife of Don Hayden(TM 61-62)

"I thought you might like to read the obit that Don's sister - who lives in Maine - & I did together so that it hopefully reflects Don.

Go to Moorefuneral.com & home page appears. a little way down page is a triangle that says find obituaries. type Donald Hayden and click on magnifying glass."

8 Aug 2022 - From Frank DiBello:

Updates on arrangements for Don Hayden(TM 61-62)

A Memorial Service will be held on 9/30/2022 at 10 AM at Moore Funeral Home, Southlawn Chapel, 9350 East 51st Street Tulsa Ok.

A Burial Service will be held on 9/30/2022 at 2:30 PM at Fort Gibson National Cemetery 1423 Cemetery Rd, Fort Gibson, OK 74434.

Please do not send flowers, instead a donation can be sent to either the American Lung Association, American Heart Association, or the USS Allen M. Sumner Reunion Association.

Also Jane Hayden is asking for copies any pictures members may have of Don. Please contact me at wrb1@cornell.edu and I can coordinate getting hard copies or electronic copies to Mrs. Hayden.

10 July 2022 - From Frank DiBello:

I am sad too inform you that Don Hayden(tm 61-62) passed away this morning. I will inform you of the Funeral arrangements when I receive them from his wife. She will be meeting with the funeral home tomorrow morning 7/11/2022. He has requested a military funeral and cremation. Jane said he has family on the west coast and east coast, so she doesn t know when the services will be held. We will inform you as soon as I hear.
Please keep Don and his family and friends in your prayers prayers.

Frank DiBello

8 July 2022 - From Frank DiBello:

I talked to Jane Hayden this morning, and I am sad to inform everyone that Don has taken a turn for the worst. He isn t speaking,or able to get out of bed. Jane has been trying too feed him, but he will only take a bite or two,then refuses any more. She is currently talking with Hospice too see what options they Have.
Jane has asked for no more cards for now. He can t see to read them.
Please keep them and their family and friends in your prayers.

27 June 2022 - From Frank DiBello:

I received a phone call this morning at 0943 from Don Hayden((TM3 61-62). His voice was strong and was great to hear. He appreciated the cards that were sent to him. Please continue sending them to his home address and Jane will take them to him. He is doing better, but he has a long road ahead.He will soon be moving to another facility to help his recovery. I will try to pass on anything new as I hear. Please keep Don and his family in your prayers.

20 June 2022 - From Christopher Sparks regarding his father Edward Sparks (IC2 61-64):

This is probably an odd email but i found a picture of my Dad Edward L Sparks in Paul Delasco's photo collection. I thought it might be interesting to hear about my dad in the Navy. Unfortunately he passed away in 2013 so any memories of him are always good. I'm not sure if this email is still active or if Paul is still alive or if anyone else connected with your ship is familiar with him but if anyone has any stories I'd love to hear them.

Christopher Sparks

16 June 2022 - From Frank DiBello:

Don Hayden (TM3 61-62) has had a bit of a setback and is back in the hospital. If you wanted to send a note of encouragement, please mail it to his home and his wife will take it in to him.

Don's address:

3026 South Cinncinnati
Tulsa, Ok 74114

I've updated Dons contact information on the the Binnacle List

7 June 2022 - From Jane Hayden via Frank DiBello:

Don's address:

Saint Simeon's Assisted Living - Room 1020
3701 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
Tulsa, Ok 74106

He continues to be in his wheel chair & is on daily oxygen & has breathing treatments also. He had a set back last Friday as he was diagnosed with pneumonia. He has been able to resume some PT on a limited basis but still not able to stand or walk. Overall he's in pretty good spirits & never misses a meal in the dining room.

It's difficult to know what the future may hold as they continue to tweak his medication & he also had a recent episode of a-fib. I visit daily & often we play cribbage.

I know he would love hearing from any of his friends.

Thanks Frank. If there is anything else you need/want please let me know. As you can see my email address is jrehayden@yahoo.com


I've updated Dons contact information on the the Binnacle List

1 April 2022 - From Frank DiBello: A picture of Don Hayden (TM3 61-62) being "Tin Can Strong" at the hospital.
I've updated Dons contact information on the the Binnacle List

30 March 2022 - From Frank DiBello: On 3/10 Don Hayden (TM3 61-62) had a series of strokes that landed him in the hospital in Tulsa. On 3/17 he was transferred to the rehabilitation facility. On Thursday 3/31 his wife Jane will be meeting with the doctors and rehabilitation people to make the decision for the next step to be taken. She will be giving me the details on what will be the next step to be taken. I will forward the information as soon as I get it. Please keep Don and Jane in your prayers.
Don Hayden status and contcat information will be maintained the the Binnacle List

09 March 2022 - Added the Spring Sentinel Newsletter.

20 December 2021 -I just found out that our Chaplin, Jim Gorma, just had some surgery. I am sure he would love to hear from you. Send an email to jasmgorm@gmail.com

09 December 2021 - Added the Winter Sentinel Newsletter.

01 December 2021 - Donald Hedenberg reported the passing of his brother and our shipmate Raymond Earle Hedenberg (EM1 68-71) on August 26, 2021 from COVID-19. He lived in Florida for many years before his passing.

06 June 2021 - Added the Fall Sentinel Newsletter.

27 August 2021 - Frank DiBello (RM3 66-68), Dale Sauber (EN2 68-71), and Bob Kelly (ETR3 65-67) have informed me that Earl Hedenburg (EM1 68-71) passed away on 8/26/2021. I will update the site once we have more information.

23 August 2021 - Don Hayden (TM3 61-62) has been added to the the Binnacle List

06 June 2021 - Added the Summer Sentinel Newsletter. The Sentinal will now be a quarterly newsletter.

17 May 2021 - I received the foellowing email:
My name is Phyllip M. Hickman. I was SMSN from 71-72. I served under SM1 Paul Denten and SM2 Danny Uzeal. I just wanted to let you know that I m still alive and living in Weatherford, Texas. I m 68 years old and in good health. I got my honorable discharge from the Navy (4 years, 1971 to 1975) and then did 17 years, (1975 to 1992) in the Army. I retired from the Army. I am available if anyone wants to talk with me or if I can do anything for any of you. p.w.ford@hotmail.com

26 April 2021 - We were sadly informed of the passing of William Dempsey (RM1 46-47) on April 2010.
He was buried with his parents Yell and Ettie May Bennett in Fort Douglas Arkansas, near where he grew up.
If anyone has questions please contact Alvie Meadows at alvieray@sbcglobal.net

17 April 2021 - We were sadly informed of the passing of Henry "Hank" Pelz (BTC 63-67) on April 7, 2021.
Visit Henry's memorial page to share a memory or send condolences to the family, read the obituary

15 April 2021 - To all Shipmates of the Allen S. Sumner:

Even though a lot of us now have been totally vaccinated we are playing it safe by deciding not to have a formal reunion this year.
We are all hoping to get back to normal next year and hold a reunion in May 2022.
It will still be held in the Galveston/Houston Texas area in order to take care of unfinished business such as the election of officers and selection of future reunion sites.
Based on our bylaws I m sure that Nashville, Tenn. will be the next place to be designated, but that will be up to the majority of those attending the next reunion.

Frank DiBello, President
USS Allen M. Sumner Reunion Association

17 March 2021 - Added the Jan - Mar Sentinel Newsletter.

09 Feb 2021 - A note from Pete Dromms(FTG2 66-67):

"I Just received a call from the Daughter of Frank Embrey (RM2 65-68). Frank is currently our 2nd Vice President. Frank passed away on Friday the 5th of February.

The services will be at the Parklawn Funeral Home in Hampton Va. He is to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery He was a CWO-3 retiring after 26 years of Service. The obituary and information can be found at www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/hampton-va/francis-embrey-10044676.
Tentative services are to be Friday February 12th."

25 Jan 2021 - A note from Chaplin James Gorman(MM3 67):

If anyone gets an email from { Frank DiBello } this is NOT coming from OUR Frank DiBello! The HACKER/SCAMMER is back and at it again.
PLEASE disregard and report back back to Frank via his REAL email: dibellofp@aol.com From the webmaster... just a a reminder, there are many spammers who will target older folks that they see as more gullable.
Be VERY careful on the internet and with mail. Organizations such as AARP have many articles on line about preventing phishing (https://www.aarp.org/money/scams-fraud/info-2019/phishing.html) and safely navigating the internet.
Be cautious and educate yourself - if something seems fishy - it most likely is!

18 Dec 2020 - A note from Franke DiBello(SN 66-68)):

Now hear this, Now hear this.

It may seem like a little early (since 2020 is not yet over) but we need to plan for our 2021 reunion at the South Shore Hotel in League City, Texas.
If possible, we need to give the hotel a room count guarantee of at least 30 by the end of this year if at all possible to get some free rooms such as hospitality, banquet, etc.To that end I (Frank and me) would like a head count of those who are planning/hoping on attending (pandemic not withstanding).
Please respond Don Hayden at imagerybyhayden@att.net or Frank DiBello at dibellofp@aol.com as soon as possible.

04 Dec 2020 - Added the November - December Sentinel Newsletter.

11 Oct 2020 - Added the September-October Sentinel Newsletter.

05 October 2020 - Frank DiBello reports:
We are sad to report the death of our shipmate Jim Georgantas (RD3 66-69) on September 19, 2019 in Channahon Illinois.

21 September 2020
Cliff Selig(SN 66-68) has been added to the the Binnacle List

9 September 2020 - Frank DiBello reports:
We are sad to report the death of our shipmate Terry Conaway (BT1 65-70). He is survived by his wife Kiyoko. He had complications from an operation of a cancer tumor on his brain. Please remember them in your prayers
Cards should be sent to :
PO Box 333
Earp California 92242

28 Aug 2020 - I've just gotten of the phone talking with a VA Field Examiner who is completing my request to oversee my moms VA Survivor benefits (see June 13th post) and I was talking with him regarding VA benefits. The most important thing I took away from the conversation was that EVERY veteran should take the time to meet with their local VA reps to fully understand the benefits that the VA provides. Also remember that the VA is funded in part by the total number of Vets who use their services. If you go to the VAs office for an annual check up, you will be part of the VA's funding as a block amount. Funds left over from the block amount will go to help other deserving vets. So please take the time to familiarize yourself with VA benefits that you earned through your service.

14 Aug 2020 - Please be alert to scams where emails may get sent to you from former Sumner crew asking for money favors. Frank DiBello is NOT asking any Sumner crew members for any funds so please delete email.

28 Aug 2020 - I've just gotten of the phone talking with a VA Field Examiner who is completing my request to oversee my moms VA Survivor benefits (see June 13th post) and I was talking with him regarding VA benefits. The most important thing I took away from the conversation was that EVERY veteran should take the time to meet with their local VA reps to fully understand the benefits that the VA provides. Also remember that the VA is funded in part by the total number of Vets who use their services. If you go to the VAs office for an annual check up, you will be part of the VA's funding as a block amount. Funds left over from the block amount will go to help other deserving vets. So please take the time to familiarize yourself with VA benefits that you earned through your service.

14 Aug 2020 - Please be alert to scams where emails may get sent to you from former Sumner crew asking for money favors. Frank DiBello is NOT asking any Sumner crew members for any funds so please delete email.

04 Aug 2020 - Added the July-Aug Sentinel Newsletter.

22 July 2020 - I received the following email from Cdr. C. Thomas Frohne, USNR/RET @ tfrohne@gmail.com
"Always wanted to thank your valant crew that attempted to save my Dad and his crew."
See article A Father recalls the death of his father,a Naval Aviator, 60 years ago.

20 July 2020 - Dale Surber (EN2 68-71) is making great progress with rehabilitation. Cards and notes are making a big difference in keeping his spirits up. Keep 'em coming. See the Binnacle List. with Dale Surber's (EN2 68-71) address and status.

9 July 2020 - I have updated the the Binnacle List. with Dale Surber's (EN2 68-71) address and status.

8 July 2020 - I have updated the the Binnacle List. with Dale Surber (EN2 68-71) status.

4 July 2020 - Informed by Dave Robson (SH3 66-70) that Dale Surber (EN2 68-71) underwent emergency surgery and will remain in the hospital for a couple of days. When I get more information I will update the Binnacle List.

30 June 2020 - Informed by Don Hayden that Donald Keith Moore(SN 55-57) was called to Final Muster.

29 June 2020 - Added the May - June Sentinel Newsletter.

24 June 2020 - Both Dan Barrs (QM1 63-68) and Don Hayden (TM3 61-62) are home, and I've updated their contact information in the Binnacle List.

14 June 2020 - Dan Barrs (QM1 63-68) is in the hositpal for some surgery. I have updated his contact information in the Binnacle List.

13 June 2020 - Many veterans are not aware that when they pass, their spouses may be eligible for a small pension. This is the link to the VA s Survivor program for surviving spouses of veterans who served in combat areas. The program description is "VA Survivors Pension offers monthly payments to qualified surviving spouses and unmarried dependent children of wartime Veterans who meet certain income and net worth limits set by Congress. Find out if you qualify and how to apply." The VA will determine the amount the spouse is eligible for as a life-long benefit. The funds are designated to the spouse and cannot be touched by nursing homes, medicare, or Medicaid.
More can be found at the survivors Pension web site.
I applied for it for my mom and she now receives a month check that wll cover small expenses like the beauty parlor and gifts for the grandchildren.

12 June 2020 - Don Hayden (TM3 61-62) suffered a fall and had to have some surgery to repair a fractured hip. He is now in rehab and I have updated his contact information in the Binnacle List.

8 June 2020 - Don Hayden (TM3 61-62) suffered a fall and had to have some surgery to repair a fractured hip. He will be in the hospital for a couple of days, and then will be transferred to a rehabilitation facility. Please feel free to conact him at the points listed in the Binnacle List.

10 May 2020 - I found a Youtube video on a prototype conversion to a Gearing-Class destroyers (USS Meredith, DD-890) to make them more livable.

13 Apl 2020 - Added the March - April Sentinel Newsletter.

1 APR 2020 - Posting three notes from Bobby Moores funeral Note 1, Note 2, and Note from Mary Moore

Mar 23, 2020- I received an email from David Engle asking "Good morning. I am trying to get information about my Father Melvin Engle who served on the USS Allen Summer in the late 50's to Early 60's. Would you have any photos of him? He has since passed. December 31, 2013. He had left out family when I was very little. Thanks you for your time."
If you have information please contact David at dae104@verizon.net.

Mar 16, 2020 - Frank DiBello (SN 66-68) sent this to me :
Good Afternoon.

I wanted to touch base with you about the Blue Water Sailors Law that went into effective January 1, 2020.
I have been granted a service connected disability for my heart disease which on the list of Agent Orange presumptive conditions.
I would like to share this with our shipmates and maybe the widow's of our shipmate's that have passed away due to the conditions. I'm thinking of the RM Pete that passed away from diabetes.
Our shipmates need to contact their County Veterans Service Officer to file their claims. They need the following documents:

a. DD-214
b. Marriage license to current spouse.
c. SSN; DOB of spouse(no birth certificate required)
d. A list of previous marriage's and how those marriages ended(divorce, death,etc.)

They need dates and places that the marriages ended (no copies required).
If they can get letters from their doctors stating they have a diagnosis of their conditions.
The VA will be in contact with them after their claims have been filed.
I wish everyone good luck. These claims are not granted over night.

God Bless,
Gary M. Whitehead

Mar 12, 2020 - Frank DiBello (SN 66-68) sent this to me :
As a result of the Coronavirus a pandemic, I am asking for a cancellation of the Nashville reunion. I do not want to be a dictator, so I am calling for a vote from the officers and directors and the MOALE representatives to cancel the Nashville reunion.
At the Branson meeting it was voted in to have the 2021 reunion in the Houston Galveston area. I suggest at the 2021 reunion ,since we will all be together, we discuss if we will do to Nashville in 2022 or vote in a new destination as usual, for the 2022 reunion.
It saddens me to cancel this reunion,but I think it is in the best interest for all of our shipmates and families.
Please respond to this email in a timely manor so that we can go ahead with the necessary arrangements to be delt with.
Pete Dromms has only put deposits on the busses and the BBQ cater, which he is going to try to get our deposits back. Everyone can cancel their hotel reservations without any penalties with plenty of time to spare. Airlines are going to let people have refunds or carryover the reservations for a year according to what the TV news is saying.
With deep sorrow
Frank DiBello

Mar 6, 2020- In June a new movie starring Tom Hanks as a Captian of a tin can escorting a convoy across the Atlantic in WWII will be released. The trailer is available to be watched.

Mar 3, 2020- Frank DiBello (SN 66-68) reported that the reunion hotel escaped any damage from the tornado that touched down in Nashville yesterday.

Feb 27, 2020- Don Hayden built a very nice Obituary for Bobby Moore.

27 Feb 2020 - Frank DiBello (SN 66-68) has passed along the obituary information for Bobby Moore (MMC 61-69).
In lieu of flowers , the family has asked for donations to be sent to the church.
Evergreen Baptist Church
1380 Evergreen Road
Bernice,La 71222

25 Feb 2020 - I was just informed by by Frank DiBello (SN 66-68) that Bobby Moore (MMC 61-69) has been called to final muster. I will update this site as details are made available.

12 Feb 2020 - Updated the the Binnacle List with news that Bobby Moore was re-admitted back to the hospital.

4 Feb 2020 - Added the Jan-Feb Sentinel Newsletter.

24 December 2019 - On Christmas Day, 1994 the Allen M. Sumner was anchored in the Phillipines . The next day she was replenished for combat operations.

23 December 2019 - Updated the the Binnacle List with latest news from Bobby Moore and Paul Delasco.

17 December 2019 - Chaplin James Gorman(MM3 67) reports:
"I talked with Shipmate Bobby Moore on the phone and he sounds better than I have heard him in months. He is very excited to be looking at rehab to get him back home. Anyone wishing to communicate with him, feel free to use his home address:"
Bobby R Moore
870 Buck Moore Rd
Bernice, Louisiana 71222

08 December 2019 - Added the Nov-Dec Sentinel Newsletter.

19 November 2019 - Chaplin James Gorman(MM3 67) reports that Bobby Moore is being prepared for Home Care and still progressing a step at a time. He is still in the hospital as of 11/18.

6 November 2019 - From Jeff Moore, son of Bobby Moore (61-69 MMC) My dad wanted me to get a hold of you to let you know he's in the hospital with pneumonia in both lungs and is having a hard time catching his breath. His doctors says he'll be there one to two weeks if all goes well. He's asking for prayers, we are all asking for prayers. he has his phone with him (318-243-8190) but can't talk long without running out of air but that doesn't stop him from talking. let me thank you in advance for all the prayers and thoughts.
I also updated the the Binnacle List with his mailing address.

1 Nov 2020 - Updated the 2020 Reunion Site

24 OCT 2019 - From Chaplin Jim Gorman
After calling several shipmates and emails, I got a report from Shipmate Fred Willshaw. Not many of us had heard directly from him since last Spring. So, straight from Fred's mouth (actually email):
Not much to report, can't drive and my equilibrium stinks ! Miss you all. Take care and be good.....

Let us keep in mind and prayers all of our shipmates and their families and friends who might be able to use an extra word or two in prayer.
And it was very nice to be able to hear from Fred.

August 2019 - From Don Hayden
Shipmate John B. Barry (DC2 65-69) was called to final muster on August 8th. His obiturary follows:
John B. Barry, age 72, died peacefully in his home in Norwalk, CT on August 8, 2019 with his family by his side. John was a proud Navy veteran, serving in the Vietnam War from 1965-1969. Following his service with the Navy, John joined the Norwalk Fire Department and proudly served for 30 years and also steadfastly worked at Collins Funeral Home. John was a founding life member of the Connecticut Fire Fighter Pipe and Drum Band. He was an active member of the VFW, Post 603. John was predeceased by his parents; father, John Francis Barry and mother, Helen Silk Barry. John is survived by his wife, Judith; children: Daughter Danna Yarde and husband Jeffrey of Norwalk, CT, daughter Kelly Knowles and husband Mathew of Branchville, NJ, and son Michael Sarrazien and wife Christine of Shelton CT. He is also survived by brother Bryan Barry and sister Mary Guiles, many nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.
John's family would like to also express our deepest gratitude for the upmost skilled care and compassion the following showed John: Dr. Amy Ahasic, Norwalk Hospital; Katherine Roarty APRN, Norwalk Hospital; Vitas Healthcare especially Bindu, Jasintha, and Seila; and Dr. Josephine Chou and the staff of the T.C.C. at Yale New Haven Hospital.
Calling hours will be held at Collins Funeral Home, 92 East Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06851, August 13, 2019 from 4-8 PM. A Mass Christian burial will take place at Church of the Assumption, 98 Riverside Ave., Westport, CT 06880, August 14, 2019 at 10 AM. Burial with full military honors will follow at St. John Cemetery, 223 Richards Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06850. The Family has asked, in lieu of flowers, a donation be made to Church of the Assumption in the remembrance of John Bryan Barry.
Published in The Hour on Aug. 11, 2019

26 SEP 2019 - Added the Aug-Sep Sentinel Newsletter.

August 2019 - From Don Hayden
Shipmate John B. Barry (DC2 65-69) was called to final muster on August 8th. His obiturary follows:
John B. Barry, age 72, died peacefully in his home in Norwalk, CT on August 8, 2019 with his family by his side. John was a proud Navy veteran, serving in the Vietnam War from 1965-1969. Following his service with the Navy, John joined the Norwalk Fire Department and proudly served for 30 years and also steadfastly worked at Collins Funeral Home. John was a founding life member of the Connecticut Fire Fighter Pipe and Drum Band. He was an active member of the VFW, Post 603. John was predeceased by his parents; father, John Francis Barry and mother, Helen Silk Barry. John is survived by his wife, Judith; children: Daughter Danna Yarde and husband Jeffrey of Norwalk, CT, daughter Kelly Knowles and husband Mathew of Branchville, NJ, and son Michael Sarrazien and wife Christine of Shelton CT. He is also survived by brother Bryan Barry and sister Mary Guiles, many nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.
John's family would like to also express our deepest gratitude for the upmost skilled care and compassion the following showed John: Dr. Amy Ahasic, Norwalk Hospital; Katherine Roarty APRN, Norwalk Hospital; Vitas Healthcare especially Bindu, Jasintha, and Seila; and Dr. Josephine Chou and the staff of the T.C.C. at Yale New Haven Hospital.
Calling hours will be held at Collins Funeral Home, 92 East Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06851, August 13, 2019 from 4-8 PM. A Mass Christian burial will take place at Church of the Assumption, 98 Riverside Ave., Westport, CT 06880, August 14, 2019 at 10 AM. Burial with full military honors will follow at St. John Cemetery, 223 Richards Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06850. The Family has asked, in lieu of flowers, a donation be made to Church of the Assumption in the remembrance of John Bryan Barry.
Published in The Hour on Aug. 11, 2019

18 July 2019 - From Chaplain James Gorman (MM3 67)
~"Shipmates, I am encouraging anyone who has any questions, comments, suggestions, or otherwise; please feel free to email me at any time: James

I was a hospital chaplain for thirteen years; not the ordinary type of chaplain. When asked by patients about my religious affiliation; or where my church was; all of those 'typical' questions; I rarely gave the same answer twice in a row. I have always thought of myself as trying to be a Big C Christian, and more of a little c Catholic. The easiest part of my ministry was not following the rules. After being asked for prayer by a patient one time, and having delivered to God first class mail sent from this fellow and his family; he asked me where I preached. I told him that I was not ordained, because Catholics cannot be ordained a priest and also be married. His was response was an affirmation that I carried with me the rest of my tenure. He said, " Oh, my! I thought you were Baptist!" He was Baptist and was interested in coming to my church. I laughed, he laughed, his family laughed. I think this is a little like what I picture Jesus to have been. He certainly was not able to be labeled according to any of His contemporaries. And I believe if we break down belief to it's lowest common denominator, we are all probably much more the same than we are different.
'Fair winds and following seas'
Blessings and peace to you and yours always, my friends.
Jim Gorman

17 July 2019 - Shipmate Roger Longfield (TM3 53-55) was called on to final muster on June 26th, 2019 surrounded by family.
Read the Obitutuary

12 July 2019 - From Chaplin James Gorman" The VA announced the approval of the use of Spravato for veterans that have 'treatment-resistant depression.'
Veterans in immediate crisis may call the Veterans Crisis Line at:
800-273-8255, then press '1';
OR: text 838255;
OR: chat online at Veterans Crisis Line
And as always , visit VA Mental Health website

7 July 2019 - Updated the 2019 Reunion Site with pictures taken at the event. I am trying someting a bit different this year and I am using my Google photo account to store the images and then it ill allow you to see the images and thenyou will be able to scroll though the images and enlarge.

27 Jun 2019 - Added an extra edition Sentinel Newsletter.

14 JUN 2019 - Added the May - June Sentinel Newsletter.

137 Jun 2019 - I received an email from Bill Simmons, whose father Wendell H. Simmons (FN 65-68) was a on the AMS. Bill Simmons would love to hear from any crew who sailed with Wendell at "bandc2797@icloud.com"

21 May 2019 - I found this 3d representation of the WWII DD-692. Below is a preview,to see a better representation go to https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/class-allen-m-sumner-uss-sumner-dd-692-176381c678b641a19cfeb7674d487043
The image can be rotated via the mouse and zoomed in.

Class Allen M Sumner, USS Sumner (DD-692) by Oskar on Sketchfab

20 May 2019 - Received word via Ted Coleman that Walter Asbell (ET2 54-55) has been called to the final muster. An obituary is available to be read.

17 May 2019 - I asked Jim Gorman(MM3 67) to describe ehat he sees as the role of the ships Chaplin and this is his reply
Speaking from my experience as a hospital chaplain, mine was to be that of a 'presence' as opposed to proselytizing. In real life, combat or retired, I see the military chaplain's core identity somewhat the same; but it is also set by many different protocols, the Geneva Convention being one. Chaplain training and leadership of all denominations should be that of knowledge of all other faiths; but, also respecting the faith of others. And the role of the chaplain should be that of a peacemaker, not a warrior; a bridge builder, an ally and not an enemy. The chaplains role should also be promoting the dignity of human life and the voice of every person, irrespective of rank, sex, creed, or any other difference. Nourishing a group is probably by far what I see as an integral part of everyday life, military or civilian. Blessings and peace

16 May 2019 - The Allen M. Sumner Association would like to announce that James Gorman (MM3 67) will assume the role of ships Chaplin.
Frank DiBello wrote "Bobby Moore has served the Sumner in many roles, his latest as our Chaplin. Unfortunately due to health issues he has asked to be relieved of duty in this role. He will be greatly missed, but not forgotten. Please keep Bobby and Mary in your prayers. I have asked James Gorman to take over as our Chaplin and even though he will be filling in some big shoes,I feel he will do us a great job. Please remember to thank Bobby for his service to the Sumner crew, and welcome James to his new role."
I wanted to pass along a bit of Jims background:
Jim was an MM3 aboard the Sumner for our West Pace 1967. From there Jim went to the USS Repose AH-16 where he finished his first enlistment. After a very diversified career in the Reserves, he went back on active duty from 1982-1992 as a NC9585 / Recruiter ending his active duty with a total of 14 yrs. He reverted to his present and parent rate at the time of BM1 ending his Reserve career with a total of another 14 years that gave him a total of 28 years combined service. His civilian life consisted of holding many different careers including 8 years as an Evansville Policeman being on the SWAT for almost six of those years; clinical duty in the hospital to include RT, EMT, and Ortho Technician and GU Tech; and concluded his civilian careers as a hospital chaplain for thirteen years before retiring.

18 March 2019 - Updated the Sailing List and itinerary for the 2019 Reunion in Branson Mo.

2 APR 2019 - Added the Mar - Apr Sentinel Newsletter.

22 March 2019 - Updated the Sailing List for the 2019 Reunion in Branson Mo.

10 March 2019 - Fred Willshaw auffered a stroke on March 1, 2019 He can be contacted at 704-667-8209. Please give him a call if you could. He is in the hospital rehab unit and hopefully be home in 4-5 days. I also updated the the Binnacle List.
Updated the Sailing List for the 2019 Reunion in Branson Mo.

8 March 2019 - Received news that Fred Willshaw auffered a stroke on March 1, 2019 . He is in the hospital rehab unit and hopefully be home soon. I will update the the Binnacle List. as soon as I can confirm a contact.

28 Feb 2019 - Added the Jan - Feb Sentinel Newsletter.

27 Feb 2019 - Sumner Sentinel editor Don Hayden was interviewed Feb. 16 by a local television station following the commissioning of the USS Tulsa (LCS 16), the newest independence variant littoral combat ship. At the American Legion Post 1 Hayden talked about attending navy reunions and queried "How many of us sailors that go to these things have ships named after our city?" "Not that many. So I like that; it s great. The last time Tulsa had a namesake ship was nearly two decades before his service - in 1946.

21 Feb 2019 - Frank DiBello wanted to pass a long a picture of Connie in rehab. walking with the aid of this device. She said she fells like she has a parachute on. With the aid of this device she was able to walk 25 feet and then turn and walk back. She is determined that she will walk in Branson without any devices.

18 Feb 2019 - Received word via Fred Willshaw and Maurice Warren that Charles W. Haight (SFP3 65.68) was called for final muster in 2009

17 Feb 2019 - Received word via Joe Gall that Wiley "Doc" N. Boland (65-67) has been called to the final muster. Doc served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam and retired as a Senior Chief Corpsman. Among his many services to the Association was serving as our President. He was one of a kind and will be truly missed. The obituary is at https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/wiley-boland-obituary?pid=191523707

09 Feb 2019 - Received an email from Al Nolf (SN 69-70) to update his Med 69 cruise jacket and retirement picture.

30 Jan 2019 - Received a request from Connie DiBello to thank the Allen M. Sumner family for the flowers and especially all the thoughtful cards they have been sending her. Every time she gets one she says it gives her the desire to work harder on her rehabilitation so she can be able to walk into the Branson reunion. She said to be sure to thanks to everyone for all the prayers, she can tell they are helping her every day. She sends love to all of her SUMMER family.
Bravo Zulu to to the sailors and family of the USS Allen M. Sumner!

24 Jan 2019 - Received an update from Frank Dibello on Connies progress in recovering from the stroke she suffered mid-December. "She is still in the Crossings nursing home. She is showing some improvement most days. Yesterday she was able to lift a one pound weight above her head a few times. She still can t can t use her left leg much but was able to do 65 steps with a special walker and help from her physical therapists. She tells everybody that her goal is to be at Branson in May!!!"

22 Jan 2019 - Received an email from Brian Williamson that his father and your shipmate Gerald L. Williamson (FN 69-71) passed away on Sunday January 20th. Brian writes "We attended a few reunions together and he very much enjoyed spending time with his brothers and during the week at the reunions he basically wanted me to let him be with the boys as he called them. We are all just shaken by his passing and their is a huge hole in our hearts today. Thank you all for being so special to my dad he loved his brothers very much. He wore his Sumner hat everywhere he went!

8 Jan 2019 - Updated Connie DiBello contact address in the Binnacle List.

6 Jan 2019 - I heard from Scott Beck whose father was John J. Beck (SN 56-58). Scott has shared many images that his father took during his time on the Allen M. Smner. I will be update in the site over the next couple of days. Scott also informed me that "John passed away in 2011 the most recent Sumner Sentinel reminded me that I have pictures to pass along. He used a 35mm SLR with slide film that we recently converted to digital. I hope they can be of use and you enjoy them as much as my father did".

3 Jan 2019 - Paul "Doc" Murphy (HM3 66-68) has a new address: 8472 Hickory Grove Way Knoxville, TN 37920-2544
From Ginni Bagnatori: Warren Bagnatori (DC2 66-68) passed to the Final Muster on March 15, 2018
Ron and Ricki Jovanovich (AN 68-69) have passed along a Thank You Note for assistance provided to them by the AMS crew after the Alaskan Eathquake
Updated James Gorman (MMFN 65-67) email address Updated Dan Barrs (QM1 64-67) email address

19 Dec 2018 - From Bobby Moore, "Received call to day, USS Allen M. Sumner DD-692 Association First Lady Connie DiBello has had a stroke. Is in the recovery mode at a rehab facility, speaking some, effected left side. We asking you put her and Frank on your prayer list. Thank you, Bobby Moore " Binnacle List.

11 Dec 2018 - Added the Nov-Dec Sentinel Newsletter.

4 Dec 2018- From Fred Willshaw - As the Country remembers our 41st President George Herbert Walker Bush take this opportunity to remember the personal connection between our Association and him Bush Letter

3 Dec 2018- The webmaster of this site (Ron Babuka) does not necessarily endorse or support opinions and comments placed on this web site. The webmaster role is to act as a technical consultant for placing material on this site.

1 Dec 2018- Frank DiBello reports that he finally heard from shipmates Ron and Ricki Jovanovich (AN 68-69), who live in Eagle River, Alaska. On Satrday 11/30, Eagle River was basically the epicenter of the recent 7.2 earthqake that caused massive damage in the Anchorage area. Ron reports that the house was damaged and lost power for all of Saturday. On the positive side, he still has power/phone service and his house is habitable though it will require a lot of work in the future. Ron and Ricki can be reached at (907) 696 - 1652 and wold love to hear from old shipmates. We anticicpate a support fund being established in the near future, Stay tuned for more information.

10 Oct 2018 - Added the Sep-Oct Sentinel Newsletter.
Recieved news of the passing of shipmate Hank Lunki (ET1 68-70) from cancer on September 22, 2018 from Dolphins Burton (ATR3 68-70)

21 Oct 2018 - Frank DiBello reports an update on Senate Bill 422. "Still sits in the Veterans Affairs Committee. Bill has 52 sponsors out of one hundred. Bill needed to be voted on by committee before being presented to the senate for final vote. We need shipmates to call their senator for support of this bill!"

10 Oct 2018 - Bobby Moore received a note from Gene McManus(S1-SKD 46-47)that his brother Charles McManus (Y2 46-47) passed September 3 2018. Obiturary.

13 Aug 2018 - Added the Jul-Aug Sentinel Newsletter.

28 Jun 2018 - Scotty (SK3 66-69) and Linda Kopfstien celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Friday June 22nd. Bravo Zulu! Drop a note to Scotty

27 Jun 2018 - Added the May - Jun Sentinel Newsletter.

19 June 2018 - Holly wood is working on TWO USN Destroyer movies! Mel Gibson is working on a project called "Destroyer" based on the WWII action of the USS Laffey. Tom Hanks is set to play a Destroyer Captain in an upcoming movie called "Greyhounds"

18 June 2018 - From Frank DiBello, "Don Hayden will be going home today early afternoon. He is able to walk cautiously and slowly. Will be doing rehab at home. Jane, Don s wife says he has a positive outlook for his recovery. Please keep Don in your prayers."

11 June 2018 - From Framk DiBello, "Don has been moved to a occupational and rehabilitation facility in Tulsa. He is still having problems with his blood pressure dropping too low causing him to have difficulties keeping his balance. Please keep him in your prayers,and I am sure he would love to get a card from you or a call. His address is in the " Binnacle List.

31 May 2018 - 25 May 2018 - From Lee Rosskamp, "Just wanted to let you know Paul (Roosskamp) had his surgery on 5-24-18 for his spinal stenosis and doing well. He is home and walking around with a walker for now hopefully when we see the Dr. on June 6 He won't have to use it If any of his shipmate want to send him a card, his address is in the " Binnacle List.

28 May 2018 - I've taken the liberty of placing the names of the sailors that gave thier lives for their country on the hioome page. I'll remove at the end of the traditional Memorial Day.

25 May 2018 - From Fred Willshaw, "Don Hayden is back in the hospital after being found unconscious. He is doing better, his address is in the " Binnacle List.

23 May 2018 - Added photos and documents to the 2018 Reunion page . Added the preliminary page for 2019 Reunion page . We still have room for your photos from Reunion 2018.

17 May 2018 - We recieved the following note from Judy Gold: "Wayne (MM2 59-62) & Wilma Fisher wanted the Sumner group to know he just lost his son on Tuesday (5/8) from a massive heart attack. He was 55."
Updated the 2018 Reunion Sailing List
Updated the Association Officers List
Updated the Reunion Page with the 2019 Location (shhh... its Branson, Mo)
Updated the Constitution and By-Law Page Passed on May 8th

7 Feb 2018 - Added the Mar-Apr Sentinel Newsletter.

I also heard from Bobby Moore that Alita Walters, wife of shipmate MM2 Charles Walters(61), is recovering from shoulder surgery, starting therapy, and expects to be in Savannah. See the Binnacle List

7 Feb 2018 - I received an email from FTG3 Paul Hastings (65-66) that he discovered that fellow shipmate FTG3 Leon Hamilton (65-66) passed away on August of 2002. Paul also updated his email address on the 65-66 crew list.

1 Feb 2018 - There was a lot of activity this week

I heard from James Gorman: "I met an older vet today at a DQ in Henderson KY who was wearing a Sumner ballcap. His name is Joseph Ruark Pike His address is: 2004 Jamerson Dr Henderson, KY 42420-387 He is 94 years young."

I received the news from Pete Dromms that Stephen Dzuranin Sr S1c has been called to Final Muster. S1c Dzuranin served on the Sumner from 1945 to 46. He was 90 years old and was one of our WWll members. He passed away on August 26th 2017.

From Scott A. Kopfstein: For all who plan on attending the reunion in Savannah: when they enter their names on the registration form that they spell their complete middle names as that will get us onto the base without any holdup. I have to submit that to the public affairs officer by May 1st. Like my name is Scott A. Kopfstein on the form it reads Scott Alan Kopfstein and my wife Linda Carol Kopfstein.

I also received an email from SO2 Stan Border (50-53) who said "I attended the reunion in 2003 and another time in Seattle, not sure of the year. Serving on the Sumner remains one the highlights of my life. As a reminder, I have a picture of the Sumner on my wall that was taken in November, 1950 off France after a rough crossing to the Mediterranean. The event was well described in a Sea Story recently submitted by R. W. Shoemaker (63) and published on the Web. My new contact address is: 180 2nd Ave S., Rm 273 Edmonds, WA 98020 Phone # 425-361-1175 spborder@outlook.com"

24 Jan 2018 - Added the Jan-Feb Sentinel Newsletter.

14 Dec 2017 - Received word that Don Hayden is back in the hospital, see the Binnacle List for details Binnacle List.

06 Dec 2017 - I received news that shipmate James Roy Morgan (S2c 46-47) was called to the final muster.
Added the Nov - Dec Sentinel Newsletter.

06 Nov 2017 - I received an email from Brad Davidson of the USS Brinkley Bass Reunion Association enquiring if I had any contact information on MM1 Thomas W. Adkins. Prior to serving on the AMS, it is believed that Adkins served on the USS Brinkley Bass (DD-887) which was just added to the VA's list of ships exposed to Agent Orange. Their association is trying to contact all former crew members of the new listing to take advantage of any VA benefits thry may be entitiled. Go to https://www.benefits.va.gov/compensation/docs/shiplist.docx to see the ships list.

25 Oct 2017 - Updated the email list for shipmate Bruce Fulbright

3 Oct 2017 - Added the Sept - Oct Sentinel Newsletter.

26 Sep 2017 - Added page for the 2018 Reunion in Savannah, Georgia.

20 Sep 2017 - All videos under Multimedia - 1967 Vietname War have been uploaded to a DD-692 siate and are now streamed. This means you will not have to load RealPlayer on your computer to watch them. The videos still retain their 7 frames per second refresh rate..

14 Sep 2017 - Welcome back to Sam Clawser (LT 69-71) who is now listed on the Crew's E-mail Page..

5 Sep 2017 - Our shipmate and Vietnam Veteran David "Red" Gallups (MM3 63-65)  was called to the final muster. Thanks to Mitch Van Norman and Bobby Moore for letting us know.

I have begin to move videos from Real Player to YouTube to be streamed. This will allow visitors to view the videos without needing to download the RealPlayer application. Videos that have been converted will have (STREAMING) placed near the link to play the video.

29 Aug 2017 - I received the following updates from Pres. Freank Dibello... "We have had over 49 inches in the last 48 hrs. I am fortunate. I have had water twice right up to my door. A limb off of one of my trees came through my bathroom ceiling but that can be fixed compared to others. I grew up in Dickinson, the town that has been on the news completely flooded out. I turned 70 yesterday it was hard to see my childhood friends being rescued on my birthday. I saw people I've known my whole life and couldn't get out to help them. The rain is supposed to stop here today and then we can start rebuilding. "

24 Aug 2017 - As you may have heard in the news, Hrricane Harvey is looking to come ashore in Texas Friday/Saturday. I've asked Association President Frank DiBello to let us know how he is doing when the storm passes. Please keep him in your thoughts.

21 Aug 2017 - Added the Jul-Aug Sentinel Newsletter.

I received an email from Sam Dorrance, who is the great nephew of S1C Fred Dowdell Griffin who was killed in action at Ormoc Bay. He has found the information on the web site very helpful. If anyone has any information they would like to share with Sam and the family, please contact him at Sam Dorrance, 2466 Holly Berry Circle Clermont, Florida 34711 (407) 467-4935.

Mr. Dorrance has shared some images with me and I hope to have a page up to honor his great uncle in the near future.

16 Aug 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.

14 Aug 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.

02 Augl 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.

We recieved the following note from Ellen Bishop: I am the bearer of sad news. My husband, Steve Bishop, died on July 19, 2017. An accounting of his illness and death can be found on caringbridge.org and search for Steve Bishop. The bottom line is that he died within 3 weeks of receiving a cancer diagnosis. It was late term and there were no treatment options. He will be sorely missed by me, our 5 children, 8 grandchildren, and large extended family.

30 Jul 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.

20 Jul 2017 - I have been speaking with the Rodney Gibbs, son of Lennon Gibbs who was on the AMS during the 1967-1968 Vietnam deployment. Lennon Gibbs passed away in May 2010. Rodneys parents divorced when he was young so he is trying put together some pieces of his life. Rodney was born toward the end of Vietnam (July 1972) and his parents divorced afterwards. Lennon retired from the Navy in the mid to late 70 s and did suffer from PTSD. For several years afterwards he made Philadelphia P.A. his home. He was an avid artist and painter who enjoyed painting human portraits, loved fishing and he continued to work in the electronics field which he contributed to his navy radioman experience. After many years in P.A. he moved back to his home town of New Bern N.C where he continued to enjoy fishing in the Neuse River as he did when he was a kid, and attending church and serving as a Deacon. Lennon and Rodney finally re-connected and shared some of his Navy experiences but not all. Rodney would love talk to any of his ship mates that remember him, Rodenys email adress is Rodney.Gibbs@Kiewit.com

17 Jul 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week. I just received an email from Lennon Gibbs son. He indicated he father served on the 1967-1968 deployment to Vietnam. I hope to hear more back regarding Lennon.

6 Jul 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week. Added a Sea Story from shipmate Richard Shoemakers, submitted from his daughter Jane Chaffin. Added to the email list the email address from shipmate Jack Sandberg who wrote in to say "I served on the Sumner from 1952-1955 and I'm still alive and living in Nags Head, NC. My email address is jsandberg3143@gmail.com." Placed streaming video for the 1959 refueling film on the Movies page

30 Jun 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.

21 Jun 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.

14 Jun 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.

07 Jun 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week. Added the May-June Sentinel Newsletter.

07 Jun 2017 - As announced at the Reunion last month, I am stepping down as your webmaster after 19 fun years. The task is being taken over by Ron Babuka whose Dad was a Sumner Plank Owner. From now on please address all your e-mails concerning the website to him at ron.babuka@cornell.edu I will still be here and functioning as your historian and plan on seeing all of you in Savannah. As you could tell from what we have accomplished over the years we all remember our former home the USS Allen M. Sumner with love and respect. It has been an honor serving YOU.

02 Jun 2017 - Pete Dromms reports that we now have Large and Extra Large shirts, sweatshirts and Golf Shirts in stock in the Ship's Store.

01 Jun 2017 - Added our shipmate Fred Dowdell Griffin's photo to our Dedication Page thanks to his nephew Sam Durrance. Fred was one of those lost at the Battle of Ormoc Bay.

31 May 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.

24 May 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.

22 May 2017 - NOTICE: DO NOT use the e-mail address destroyerinfo@gmail.com anymore, use the fred@dd-692.com only.

21 May 2017 - Added the Business Meeting Minutes for 2017 thanks to Don Hayden.

20 May 2017 - Bob Hibbert has a new E-mail address, see the Crew's E-mail Page.

18 May 2017 - Added our Presidents comments on the 2017 Reunion. Added a detailed history of the HMAS Hobart's 1967 Deployment thanks to Colin Benporath.

17 May 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week. Added the third installment of the 2017 Reunion photos thanks to Pete and Gail Dromms. Added the collection of the 2017 Reunion photos thanks to Jon & Marie Randall. And Don Hayden sent in the Group Crew photos.

16 May 2017 - Added the first installment of the 2017 Reunion photos thanks to Pete and Gail Dromms. Added the second installment of the 2017 Reunion photos thanks to Pete and Gail Dromms.

15 May 2017 - Added the second installment of the 2017 Reunion photos thanks to Frank and Connie DiBello.

14 May 2017 - Added the second installment of the 2017 Reunion photos thanks to Frank and Connie DiBello.

12 May 2017 - Received the following message from Frank Presfield's wife; "Frank has been released from the hospital and will be recuperating and doing rehab from home. Thanks to all for the well wishes and prayers. Added the first installment of the 2017 Reunion photos thanks to Bob and Karen Haderer.

11 May 2017 - Began adding the story of the 29th Reunion with artwork by Connie DiBello of the Kopfstein Saga, updated the reunion page to point to Savannah next year, updated the Sailing List for the 2017 Reunion and updated the Officers Listing.

10 May 2017 - The 29th Sumner Reunion is now history, we had a great time and look forward to next year in Savannah, be there. Over the coming days we will be adding the story od Jacksonville, so send in those photos that bring the reunion to life !

02 May 2017 - Our shipmate Frank Presfield (FTG3 66-69) has been added to the Binnacle List.

02 May 2017 - Our shipmate Frank Presfield (FTG3 66-69) has been added to the Binnacle List.

28 Apr 2017 - Updated the 2017 Reunion Saling List. 2017 Reunion Saling List. This will be the last update until the Reunion is complete.

26 Apr 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week

22 Apr 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week. Updated Mike Raatjes E-mail address on the Crew's E-mail page. 

21 Apr 2017 - Updated the 2017 Reunion Saling List. 2017 Reunion Saling List.

21 Apr 2017 - I am finally able to do E-mails again. The remainder of restoring the website to my PC will take some time. NOTE - if you plan on visiting the Base during our Reunion you must have your Association Registration in Pete's hands by April 29, do it now !

15 Apr 2017 - I am having problems with e-mail, hope to be back to normal early next week.

12 Apr 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.  Added the latest edition of The Sentinel thanks to the hard work of our Secretary Mr. Hayden.

06 Apr 2017 - A reminder to Association Officers - there will be an "Officer's Call" at 1800 on Saturday, May 6 2017.

05 Apr 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the weekImportant News for the Reunion Gang from Pete. There are some requirements that people need to be aware of to go on Mayport Naval Base. We will be having to supply them with a list of people entering the base on the buses 72 hours ahead of time and there are no additions after that time frame. They advise for people to wear comfortable shoes, as we are hopeful to be able to tour a ship. Each person is required to have two (2) forms of identification, one being a picture ID , State drivers license is preferable. Also there are NO backpacks allowed or bags larger than a woman s handbag . No photography of ships , aircraft or security personnel is allowed. Photography is allowed on board the ships , but is up to the discretion of the ships Commanding Officer."

01 Apr 2017 - Congratulations to our Treasurer Pete Dromms! He has been nominated for Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for non-profit organizations. The TV hearing schedule has not been posted yet but stay tuned as it will appear here shortly. Way to go Pete !!!

30 Mar 2017 - Updated the 2017 Reunion Saling List.

29 Mar 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.

22 Mar 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.

19 Mar 2017 - Updated the 2017 Reunion Saling List.

15 Mar 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.

13 Mar 2017 = WARNING ! We had 40 rooms in the Sumner hotel block, they are all gone but Robbie got us 10 more. If you have been holding off, it's time to call them today as we are up against a PGA Tournamnet at the same time.

12 Mar 2017 - Gene Gardner sent in some of his memorabilia, see the Touchable Memories and the 1959 Mediterranean Cruise.

07 Mar 2017 - Updated the 2017 Reunion Saling List. Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week. Updated Joe Gall's e-mail address.

05 Mar 2017 - Kandy Cooper, Ted's wife, has been added to the Binnacle List, drop her a card today.  Our shipmate John F. "Jack" McCormick (FTA3 56-57) has been called to the final muster. Thanks to his wife for letting us know.

02 Mar 2017 - Added the first installment of the 2017 Reunion Sailing List.  Our shipmate and Cuban Missle Crisis Veteran Willie M. Montgomery (MM1 56-63)  Has been called to the final muster. Thanks to his son Wille Jr. for letting us know.

01 Mar 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.

22 Feb 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.  Received the following message from Bobby Moore; "Got my Tin Can Sailor paper today, great article by John Ventura Special Ships and Men, covering the Fletcher, Allen M. Sumner & Gearing, Made my head swell, since most of my time was Fletcher Class and Sumner Class. Philip DDE-498, Jenkins DDE-447, Walker DD-517, Allen M. Sumner DD-692, & McCaffery DD-860. Just thought you might like to take a look.

19 Feb 2017 - Don Hayden, fresh from the hospital, has completed the latest issue of The Sentinel and forwarded a copy of the 2017 Reunion Registration Form.

17 Feb 2017 - At this year's reunion we will have a DJ instead of a band. If you want your favorite music included please let Frank (dibellofp@aol.com) know before hand, include the title and artist. Also, the itinerary for the Reunion has been pretty much finalized and our web page shows the current results.

15 Feb 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week. CRITICAL NOTICE !!! - From time to time we get a list of those who have registered at our Hotel. This year the listing has been inaccurate with names appearing and then vanishing. So please, please call (904-741-4001) and reconfirm. At this point they are not listing Colin Benporath, Scott Kopfstein, Gary Mayfield and Bill Wunderlin who they previously had.

08 Feb 2017 - WARNING ! - As we get closer to our 2017 Reunion, it is going to become harder and harder to find a hotel room since there will be a TPC Golf Tournament in Jacksonville the same week. So quit putting it off - MAKE YOUR HOTEL RESERVATIONS TODAY !!! Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.

07 Feb 20`7 - Received the following message from Don Hayden; "FYI, I got out of the hospital yesterday and am home with a boatload of new pills to take. Appreciated all the cards I got."

03 Feb 2017 - Got the following note from Don Hayden; "Found a computer in the inpatient rehabilitation section so thought I would update you and others. After 21 days in hospital starting with 10 days in ICU and balance on the Stroke floor, I was transferred to the above inpatient care facility. I have been doing so well that I suspect I will be discharged early next week and can continue rehab at home. Barring any unforeseen calamities I should be good to go to Mayport. "

02 Feb 2017 - Bobby Moore reports that the latest update to the Chaplain's Corner is delayed as he is currently suffering from pneumonia.

25 Jan 2017 -  Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.

22 Jan 2017 - Talked to Don Hayden last night and he reports that he has been moved from ICU to a private room after 11 days.

18 Jan 2017 - Received a call from Joe Gall this morning, He is home and doing well - driving, shopping and having fun! Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.

15 Jan 2017 - Our Secretary, Don Hayden, had a Stroke last Wednesday. He is the the hospital now and has been added to the Binnacle List.

11 Jan 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.

09 Jan 2017 - Due to the crowd that will be going to the TPC Golf championships in Jacksoville during our Reunion, we cannot rent buses for the usual Tuesday Memorial trip. Luckily we can for Monday so the Memorial Service and the Annual Business meeting days have been switched.See the 2017 Reunion Page for the changes.

04 Jan 2017 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.

28 Dec 2016 - Updated our shipmate John G. Beck's online address on the Crew's E-mail page. Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.

26 Dec 2016 - Received the following message from Bob Kelly; "I just got off the phone with Judy Barry. Seems like our old shipmates had some pretty serious health issues recently. He is on the mend now but it was touch and go for awhile. John had to have emergency surgery to repair lower intestines, they became twisted and shut off blood flow. I will fill you in with more after I get over to see him on Tuesday." Added our shipmate Robert W. Ralston (MM2 52-56) to the Crew's E-mail page. Updated the addresses of Allen Anderson and Hank Pelz on the Crew's E-mail page.

21 Dec 2016 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week

 20 Dec 2016 - A shipmate is considering bringing a 25-minute color movie of the Sumner taken in 1960 to the reunion, would you like to see it? If your answer is YES send me an e-mail indicating that you would like to see the movie = FRED@DD-692.COM

15 Dec 2016 - Our President talked to Joe Gall this morning, Joe reports that he is in Rehab and doing much better, you can't keep a Senior Chief down for long!

14 Dec 2016 - Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week

13 Dec 2016 - Our shipmate and World War II Veteran Richard Russell Blunt (EM2c 44-45)  was called to the final muster December 12 2016. Thanks to his grandaughter Lisa Hardy for letting us know. Our shipmate William E. Servatius (FTGSN 70)  was called to the final muster September 24 2016. Thanks to Jolene Servatius for letting us know.

10 Dec 2016 - Oh well, you can't win 'em all/ Aftter 15 years it's Army 21 Navy 17,,,

08 Dec 2016 - Latest on Joe from Bobby; "Joe is sitting up in a chair, doing a lot better."

07 Dec 2016 - Bobby Moore received the following message from Joe Gall Jr.; " Hey Bobby, I am Joe's grandson. He is still in ICU but thankfully he is doing much better and he is off all medication. He said his name and performing specific commands he is communicating as best as he can. He is moving around a lot. His fever broke and his heart rate is more stable. I'm sure he will have a long list of people to call when he is at home and I will be sure to add your name to his list. We appreciate your concern and we will keep you updated. my father adds updates constantly on Facebook. His Facebook name is just Joseph Gall. Thank you again." Added our Chaplain's, Bobby Moore, message for the week.

05 Dec 2016 - Booby Moore reports that Joe Gall suffered a heart attck and is in the hospital, hope to know more tomorrow including a mailing address. Added the November-December 2016 issue of the Sentinel from our Secretary Don Hayden.

The Sumner Bookshelf

Our shipmate Bob Sumrall's classic history of the Sumner-Gearing classes has been reprinted and is available from the Tin Can Sailors Book Store.  If you do not have a copy, this publication will give you an indepth understanding of the history, the systems (weapons, engineering, electronics, etc.) and how the Sumner actually operated as originally designed and through her many modifications. Your Webmaster highly recommends this work.  Bravo Zulu to Bob.

Captain Bill Harlow USN (Ret.) has published his first novel CIRCLE WILLIAM which is in the mold of a Clancy novel but on a DESTROYER and very realistic.  Once you start you will not put it down.  Get all the facts at http://www.circlewilliam.com